Anyway, I get a little carried away sometimes. But just really needed to get those feelings out. What I really wanted to share was that during this morning's service watching the beautiful little girls and admiring all the babies was nice. But, the worship was better and I kept praying to see Jesus' face. I have just been so hungry for his presence lately and that along with our adoption has been my plea during every worship service for a few months now. Today He answered in a way that was unexpected and so sweet. Just the way that He knew would get to me. He's so awesome!! This is how He shared himself with me today.
I know it's only a four leaf clover but to me it was Jesus' face today. Is that wrong to say? Or maybe the two lovely gentleman who gave it to me were.
My husband's buddy, Mike and his beautiful little boy D*** saw me sitting on the bench in the foyer. Mike stopped little D*** and whispered to him and then they came over and offered me what they had found.
It's special to me because I have been thinking about clovers for a while now. Even though they are now taking over my flower garden I can't bring myself to pull them out. When I was a little girl I loved them, I was always looking for them in our yard. I always remember the story of Saint Patrick and how he used the three leaf clover to represent the Trinity and the other day I read about how the Chapman's have been comforted by finding four-leaf clovers and feeling that they are God's way of showing that Maria is in God's arms. How beautiful is that?
Is he telling me that he has our baby in his arms and I just need to trust in him? I don't know. I only know that He loves me enough to send someone to find exactly what he knew would speak to my heart and then deliver it to me on a day when I needed it. How can you not love a Father that wonderful?