I am still in a little bit of a state of shock and having a hard time believing this is actually real.
Yesterday morning Rickydoodle starts texting me. Out of nowhere he says, "Liza is kinda cute". Of course my answer to this was, "I know! So should I tell Andrea we are coming for her?" And after telling me twice he was driving and couldn't reply he finally replied with, "Ok you do that."
I almost fell off the kitchen stool I was sitting on. My hands started shaking and I had to make him confirm it to me and make sure he wasn't just joking. During all of this Noah missed the bus and I had to take him to school. I'm embarrassed to show my face there again because I pulled right out in front of this big SUV with the PE teacher and the Principal watching me in disbelief.
Now comes the real adventure.
Most people know that international adoption is expensive and even though Liza has special needs the cost to bring her into our family is going to be a leap of faith for us. I have a few ideas for fundraisers that I hope will be successful, we plan to be frugal and put as much as we can towards this, and we just pray that God will open up His storehouses and make a way for us to complete what He has already opened doors to. If He can change Rick's heart overight I KNOW he can finance this adoption! Of course, we welcome any donations that anyone would care to make. We should have a family sponsorship page set up with Reece's Rainbow shortly and I may set up a chip-in accout too. I really need advice from all of you have been here before me.
I still haven't asked Rick what made him change his mind, I guess I'm afraid it's a dream and I'll wake up if I ask. Silly, huh? Honestly God has totally amazed me. He is doing a HUGE work thorugh this not only for Liza but for us as an entire family. I just know this in my spirit. I can't wait to see where this road is going to lead us.
Praise God who is worthy of ALL Praise!! I have a daughter!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

AMEN AMEN AMEN! My hubby too, IS COMING AROUND! DOn't ask him sister-you don't need to IT WAS GOD!! PURE LOVLINESS! COngrats on your new baby! Can't wait to foolow your journey to sweet pea LIza
wow! congratulations...definitely keep us posted!!!
We are so happy for you all!!! We will be helping you along the way as much as we possibly can As her official Prayer Warrior Family from RR, we feel like her "Godparents" in a way. We will pray as much now as ever and now include you guys as her mom and dad...wow, powerful words for your sweet Liza. She has FAMILY!!! Can't wait to follow along your journey.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOO excited for you!!! :)
WOW! Whoa! Huh? WOW! Congratulations!!!! Yeehaw! Oh I can't wait to hear/read more!!!!!!!!! No need to ask your hubby - like the 1st commenter - it was GOD!!!!!
I posted on my blog to ask for prayer for you guys. Let me know if it's ok, or if you prefer I remove it. :)
YEAH!!!!!I am so very happy for you! You ca also set up a fund raiser with paypal and put the link on your blog (just an idea ;)
Congratulations! I have seen Liza's picture on Reece's Rainbow and hoped she would find a family. She is precious and has the most amazing eyes!
Congratulations! This is so exciting! Thanks for going for it! You will see the hand of God move on your behalf, through finances for this adoption. I've seen it over and over and over again. He's done it for us 7 times! He will also give you His wisdom and His strength to endure throughout the journey. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. He's amazing at that!
May God bless you as you walk through one of the most precious journeys of your life.
Renee' and Derek Loux and tribe of 9 :)
Update girl! I'm dying over here! :)
I'm thrilled for you - and very encouraged by your story. I'm one that is waiting and hoping that one day God will change the heart of my dh as well.
Liza is just beautiful - and those eyes! She will be a precious addition to your family. Congratulations! Praying that you would see God's hands working in mighty ways to bring her home!
Yay!!! I know I'm behind on reading, but congratulations!!!! She is gorgeous!
OH WOW!!!!!!!!
Congratulations!!! I totally have been MIA lately... ugh! lol!
So happy for you :)
We wanted both Liza and Russell, but had to choose, as they are in different orphanages. We have been praying a family would come forward and commit to beautful Liza. Thank You!
Tami and Ralph
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