Sunday, March 22, 2009

Running - part 3: stats

I WAS able to run yesterday. Woohoo! And I think I have created a monster-her name is Melissa :) I believe I am now officially addicted to running. Today the kids and I went to the park and I had to keep myself from running around the walking track. I'm already planning the next 5K and possibly getting the whole family in on the action. Miss A.-aka Lovely Stepdaughter- attends a Catholic school and they have organized a race on May, 9th to benefit the school. I think it'll be fun and she'll be so happy that we supported her and her school this way.

So, on with the stats from yesterday. List form to make it easy on myself, I'm a slacker like that.

  • My finishing time was 36:58
  • I placed 220 of 261 runners
  • I was 88 of 124 female runners
  • I was 24 of 41 women in the 30-39 division
  • My pace per mile was 11:34
  • I ran the first 15 1/2 minutes STRAIGHT! I had never done that in my training. SO Proud of ME!

That's probably more info than anyone really needed or wanted but it's my blog and I'm so dadgum proud of myself I'm gonna brag if I want to. Obviously- I want to!

Nope, no pictures cause we thought we forgot the camera and then that evening remembered it was in my purse. Running is not helping my brain get in shape. That's a shame.