Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Tracy, whose Minivan Rocks, posted on this a while back and I liked it, wanted to blog about it too, but chickened out and saved it instead: Multiracial in America

Being raised by a Mexican step-father I feel like I can relate a little to this. Not a lot, cause when people look at me they see I am white, but I do have that different point of view that comes from being raised in a different culture. Sometimes I have felt like I wasn't sure where to fit, growing up I remember strange looks cause there was this obvious Hispanic man walking around with these very white looking children, but on the other hand other Hispanic folks look at me like I'm the "little white girl". I've had to learn not to let my feelings be hurt because I tend to identify and feel more comfortable with the minority but yet they don't always feel comfortable with me. Does that make sense to anybody but me? One time I even had a woman call me a derogatory name in Spanish and just walk off. I had to laugh cause I know she would have peed herself if she'd known I knew what she said. And I didn't even do anything but have the audacity to be the "white girl" in line behind her! I also tend to be really quick to make sure folks know when I say my dad is Mexican that he is my step-dad, but it's for them, cause they think I'm lying by looking at me. I don't think of him as my step-dad, he's been my dad since I was two. That makes me wonder if my future transracially adopted kids would be quick to explain I'm their adopted mom? I hope that they will be able to identify with the culture they are born into as well as the one they are adopted into.

So, that's my perspective. I think as I am growing and becoming more comfortable with who I am I don't worry so much what folks think on other side of my spectrum. I also would have to say that I think my mom could have been more aware and allowed my dad to share more with us, but the area we lived in and the age she grew up in just didn't really prepare her for that. Things have changed a lot just in the past twenty-some years and that is beneficial for kids growing up now in Multicultural families.

The video below gives the perspectives of multiracial young men and women from Rutgers University. I think videos and perspectives such as these are important, especially for those who have adopted or plan to adopt across racial lines. We need to be ready for what our children may someday feel, or even learn now how to help them be most secure in their skin, their race, and their family. I honestly believe that Multiculturalism can someday break the bonds of racism. It won't happen overnight, but I think it's already begun to happen. How many of us can say we DON"T know a multiracial person or couple? How many Don't have one or the other in their family? Do you turn your back n them and refuse to accept it? I think most have accepted and it has changed their perspective.


Angel said...

Great post. I really enjoyed your perspective and the video. Angel

Always Faith said...

okay, i had to track you down to respond to your comment on my blog *winks*, but imho, when stuff is on the internet, nosy is so okay. LOL. I had to laugh out loud though when I read your comment....and yes, the video was boring, but I was looking for tips on how to use my new straight ironing thing....LOL. There are definitely some "interesting" videos out there...hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm a few days late reading this, but thanks for posting your thoughts. Race has been on my mind a lot lately as I think about how it will eventually affect our family: Caucasian bio son, daughter adopted from Vietnam, and domestically adopted biracial son. I have had lots of posts about race swirling around in my head, but haven't had the time (or courage) to sit down and write all of them!