Friday, October 16, 2009
Filed Under: Things That Make Me Cry
This story about a bunch of cheerleaders in Iowa made me cry tonight. Darn cheerleaders! Don't they know I'm trying to uphold my tough reputation in front of my 10 and 13 year old boys? It's kinda hard to do when your watching videos like this one. Going to check it out? ;o)

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Not Really So Different
Yes, I know I said I was going to actually DO the 31 for 21 Challenge this year. I was going to REALLY post every day for 31 days. Yeah, that didn't really happen. I am a quiet person by nature and sometimes I just don't have much to say, that and sometimes I have a crappy Internet connection. ;o)
But, I do still want to raise awareness for those with DS and their families so I am just going to pick up where I'm at and go with it.
Tonight I watched this video on Renee's blog and just cried. I really LOVE to see adults with DS living wonderful, happy lives and want everyone else to see it too. I firmly believe that we really are "more alike than different".

But, I do still want to raise awareness for those with DS and their families so I am just going to pick up where I'm at and go with it.
Tonight I watched this video on Renee's blog and just cried. I really LOVE to see adults with DS living wonderful, happy lives and want everyone else to see it too. I firmly believe that we really are "more alike than different".

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Repost: Dale T.
*I originally posted this last year on October 17th. Wanting to remind myself of some of the people who influenced me in this decision to adopt Liza, I figured I'd repost some of them for 31 for 21*
Dale T. was a friend of my Godfamily. They all went to church together and he loved my Godsisters, especially Kelly and Cheryl. I remember the first Sunday that I met Dale, I was going to church with them for the first time and I guess Cheryl and I were both around 11 or 12. She told me on the way there that he would come over to us, probably give her a hug, and would want to know who I was. She told me that he was different and that he was actually alot older than us but not to be afraid of him he was really a sweet guy. I didn't have any clue what she was talking about and had to wonder about this guy. It turned out that Dale was a friendly guy, who loved his church family and the Lord, and who also happened to have been born with Down Syndrome.
I don't remember much about him, but I do remember that I liked him. It was kind of hard not to. You just can't not like someone who knows instinctively how to make you feel welcome. He was a part of the youth group in his early 30's and of course I knew then it was because he was more on our level, but I didn't realize how great that was for a Southern Baptist church in Georgia in the late 80's early 90's. In fact, I guess it's pretty impressive that his parents raised him at home at all. In the day and age he was born it was still common for babies like him to be sent away. How sad! We may have never gotten the chance to know Dale? He broadened our horizons, helped us to be more accepting of people who were different than us. I know he took away misconceptions that we may have developed if we had never had the chance to know him.
I, for one, am thankful that I was blessed to know Dale T.

Dale T. was a friend of my Godfamily. They all went to church together and he loved my Godsisters, especially Kelly and Cheryl. I remember the first Sunday that I met Dale, I was going to church with them for the first time and I guess Cheryl and I were both around 11 or 12. She told me on the way there that he would come over to us, probably give her a hug, and would want to know who I was. She told me that he was different and that he was actually alot older than us but not to be afraid of him he was really a sweet guy. I didn't have any clue what she was talking about and had to wonder about this guy. It turned out that Dale was a friendly guy, who loved his church family and the Lord, and who also happened to have been born with Down Syndrome.
I don't remember much about him, but I do remember that I liked him. It was kind of hard not to. You just can't not like someone who knows instinctively how to make you feel welcome. He was a part of the youth group in his early 30's and of course I knew then it was because he was more on our level, but I didn't realize how great that was for a Southern Baptist church in Georgia in the late 80's early 90's. In fact, I guess it's pretty impressive that his parents raised him at home at all. In the day and age he was born it was still common for babies like him to be sent away. How sad! We may have never gotten the chance to know Dale? He broadened our horizons, helped us to be more accepting of people who were different than us. I know he took away misconceptions that we may have developed if we had never had the chance to know him.
I, for one, am thankful that I was blessed to know Dale T.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Study This?!
That's what I am almost ready to say to our HS agency, but I will refrain. Today I got an email, telling me that besides the few pieces of paperwork they don't have from us yet, they need TWO more non-relative references and ONE more relative reference. This is AFTER I asked them, when the psychologist thing first came up, if we could perhaps just supply them with a few more references. They declined THEN, but NOW, when we have already paid the money to the psychologist and thought we could move forward QUICKLY, they want more references. On top of that they told me in the beginning that our references from our foster care homestudy would work for a few of what they originally required.
Rick says that it's probably a good sign and we do have friends who ready and more than willing to be references for us. That's not the problem, the problem is them changing their minds on us so many times. Do they not understand that there is a little girl in this equation and her life is the one that really matters? And right now she's living that life in an orphanage as an ORPHAN!
I am so angry I could spit nails and am trying not to let my anger get the best of me. There's a big part of me that wants to give them the finger and say, "HEY! Study this why dontcha?!" But, I won't because then I'll probably have to pay Dr. Psychologist more money and we still won't get a homestudy. I can guaranty you when we finally have that Study in our hands I will probably cry tears of joy that will rival the ones I'll cry the day we actually meet Liza face to face. Just gotta remember that's the point of all this, this homestudy is what gets me to that face to face meeting with my girl.

Rick says that it's probably a good sign and we do have friends who ready and more than willing to be references for us. That's not the problem, the problem is them changing their minds on us so many times. Do they not understand that there is a little girl in this equation and her life is the one that really matters? And right now she's living that life in an orphanage as an ORPHAN!
I am so angry I could spit nails and am trying not to let my anger get the best of me. There's a big part of me that wants to give them the finger and say, "HEY! Study this why dontcha?!" But, I won't because then I'll probably have to pay Dr. Psychologist more money and we still won't get a homestudy. I can guaranty you when we finally have that Study in our hands I will probably cry tears of joy that will rival the ones I'll cry the day we actually meet Liza face to face. Just gotta remember that's the point of all this, this homestudy is what gets me to that face to face meeting with my girl.

Monday, October 5, 2009
Christmas Angel Ornaments
It's almost time for the Reece's Rainbow Christmas Angel Tree project again. You can't see the kids or sponsor them but you can get a button that you can add to your blog to raise awareness for them.
You can find the ornaments here. There are five to choose from. I would suggest checking out the Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree page while you're at it. There is a lot of good info there about why they do what they do. The most important reason to do any of this, of course, is so that a child can find a home.

You can find the ornaments here. There are five to choose from. I would suggest checking out the Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree page while you're at it. There is a lot of good info there about why they do what they do. The most important reason to do any of this, of course, is so that a child can find a home.

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Robert's Story
If you've ever thought that a person with Down syndrome doesn't have anything to contribute to this World I'd encourage you to read Robert's story. I think he'll prove you wrong.
I am fully expecting God to use Liza in some way. Even if it's just her presence that impresses on someone else to adopt a special needs child. I KNOW that He wants to do good things through her life and I believe that we will see it. I am SO looking forward to that day!

I am fully expecting God to use Liza in some way. Even if it's just her presence that impresses on someone else to adopt a special needs child. I KNOW that He wants to do good things through her life and I believe that we will see it. I am SO looking forward to that day!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Things I Ponder: 10-3-09
- What do kids really think when their 5' 109lb mother tells them that Spinach will make them "big and strong"?

Friday, October 2, 2009
Psychologist Update
We did meet with Dr. Psychologist today and I think it went well. It's always hard and a little nerve-wracking to have to talk about personal issues with someone and then when you feel like something so important is hanging in the balance... Whew!
It was a looooong day. We started at a little before 10 am and we left his office at 2pm. Talked a lot about family dynamics and our own personal histories. We still aren't sure what the original "issue" was, but we feel like we might have an idea.
So, that's about the extent of that. I do feel like it went well. That he will write his report and the ball will be in the HS agency's court, so to speak. I just hope they like what he has to say. One thing I do know is spending four hours talking to a psychologist will WEAR you out! I am tired....

It was a looooong day. We started at a little before 10 am and we left his office at 2pm. Talked a lot about family dynamics and our own personal histories. We still aren't sure what the original "issue" was, but we feel like we might have an idea.
So, that's about the extent of that. I do feel like it went well. That he will write his report and the ball will be in the HS agency's court, so to speak. I just hope they like what he has to say. One thing I do know is spending four hours talking to a psychologist will WEAR you out! I am tired....

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Down Syndrome Awareness Month - 2009
It's Down syndrome awareness month and I am going to buckle down and try to blog once a day this entire month. I tried this last year, and am not linking right now cause it's late and I'm lazy. Ha!

Since it is late and I didn't want to miss the very first day I'm going to cheat and post another picture. This is Claire and she is the little one I have promised to pray for from now until after the Christmas holidays. Praying for her family to find her. Is it you? Reeces Rainbow :)

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